Saturday, April 30, 2022

April monthly journal review

Time to share my completed April monthly journal. I chose 
Yellow for April - Easter, school holidays and Autumn colour. I was very excited to try a new way of stitching my pages together so the art appears in different places than in my previous monthly journals, and they'll be in a different place again for next month. 
I use the weekend to set up my journaling spreads for the week ahead. 
I shared this first spread when I started this journal. I'ts amazing how just a few additions change the pages and make them feel finished. 
Simple stickers for spread 2 - I like that I've used the circles where I used the outer parts last journal.
That first weekend after preparing those above pages I was a bit worried about where I'd go next with the yellow background, so I decided to gather autumn colour papers and fodder from my stash.
It helped me feel like I'd be okay with this journal. I did this kind of gathering for my February journal, but forgot for March. Need to remember this in the future. 
I respond to weekly Journal 52 prompts in my journal. My rules : each small piece will include stitch, a found word, and be inspired by the project I've been working on that week or what's lying leftover on my work table. 
Here's how that first full week looks with the art flap open
and closed. 
This photo shows my weekly spread and the Prompt that was created as a result of that inspiration
Here's my back cover
I need to choose a colour each month from the file folders that I purchased for this project
I've chosen a Brown file folder for May since I have to use it somewhere! It's the last month of Autumn and though I'm not that inspired by Brown as a rule I thought it will be lovely to include gold and bronze metallics. I'm very happy with how my cover turned out
See all my posts about this project HERE. I'm really looking forward to what May will bring creatively. As well as the challenge of working with more neutrals for me, check out the free online art lessons I shared this morning for other inspiration. 


  1. I like the flaps and fold-outs in your journals. And the array of fodder you've made is impressive and lovely. The journals are so dressed up with it. Very, very nice!

    1. Thanks Nancy. I'm really enjoying having a project that brings me to the art table regularly and combines classes and inspiration.


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