Wednesday, January 12, 2022

52 Flags

I loved participating in Anne Brooke's weekly tag project in 2021 and as soon as I found out about her new idea for 2022 I joined up. Find out all about it via her YouTube video. The project is bunting and you can do entirely fabric ones, or work on a card base. After some deliberation, I decided that I'd like to make mine entirely of fabric. I've cut these bases and will fill one side for weeks 1-26, and then turn the bunting over and complete the other side.
Week 1 : A pocket and note to self. I decided to use some of my lovely home-dyed fabrics that I shared in my previous post inspired by Fodder School
On the back of my tag, I have written a list of the creative projects I've committed to for the year. 
I really love that this project will be hanging on my wall to enjoy right from the start. I'm attaching them with the little pegs and will stitch them once both sides are complete.
From now on I'll post these flags to my Instagram as I make them weekly, and I'll do a monthly photo share here on the blog. You can join us at any time on Anne's Ko-fi page (£3 = around NZ$6/month).


  1. Your first flag is lovely and it combines several of your previous classes. This will be a delightful display all year long.

    1. Thanks Nancy ♥ I hope each flag can reflect my creative focus during that week.


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