Sunday, December 12, 2021

December Daily-ish : Week 2

Time for my Sunday share of my current December Daily-ish project. Luckily I've had no expectations on myself about whether you'll see seven pages or one! This past week was especially challenging and exhausting, and I thought I wouldn't be sharing a Week 2 post at all! But I really needed a break this weekend, and yesterday I made some birthday cards (I'll share the details in my next post) so today had a bit of time to be able to respond to 2 more prompts from #ArtJournalAdvent.
AJA 4 : Femininity. I wasn't sure what to do about this prompt when I was thinking about it during the week, but today it was easy, because of the birthday cards I made yesterday. You'll have to wait for next post to see them, but this page is directly inspired by them and came together very quickly. 
This accordian style has a few tag inserts. 
AJA 5 : Rituals. Again, my mind had to be relaxed for me to discover that this prompt had an obvious response. 
In my previous post I shared that I have been making bookmarks for my librarians for the last 6 years. I always make a few extra so that I was able to pop one onto my spread. It's also important to me that my home of gorgeous New Zealand is obvious in my pages - the star fish symbolises summer and our beach trips that are part of our December holiday rituals. 
I am so happy that this journal is evolving, although slowly. I only have another week at work so will enjoy the prompts as time permits. One of the changes is that I have decided to keep this journal for Michelle and Tamara's  #ArtJournalAdvent challenge prompts. I have thought of another idea for Kasia Avery's #caredecember which I'll share when this book is done. So my inside cover has changed from that shared last time
to this. I just put water on the top line of stamping and was able to scrape it off and place a serviette layer on top which now relates to Prompt 4 above.
Hoping you are finding some creative joy and moments of rest this December. Never underestimate the importance of self-care.


  1. Hi Lynette! Looks like you've got some spam there disguised as a nice comment above LOL. Your journal's looking fantastic - I thought it was a bit challenging doing both dailies at the same time. I might have a go at Kasia's in January too, but there's also Junk Journal January to consider LOL - never ending inspo! xx

    1. I have been so busy I haven't even been able to check blog comments. Spam sorted! I am finishing work tomorrow and looking forward to lots of art time.


Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I will always respond to you so check back here in a couple of days.