Thursday, September 30, 2021

Handmade books

Since we were in lockdown, I was unable to see some friends for birthdays during August. As we entered September it seemed a bit late to be giving them cards, so I decided instead to make them little art journals. 
A few details from the Discover book
A few details from the Create book 
So fun to make these. They were gifted yesterday so I can finally share them. The recipients are artists so hopefully they will have just as much fun working in them. 


  1. A wonderful idea, Lynette - and as your friends are artistic, they're bound to appreciate the invitation and inspiration to complete them! If I was to give something like these to "regular" people in my circles, they would be like "what?" We're a different kind, aren't we? :))

    1. I am very lucky indeed to have creative friends in my circle ♥

  2. Lovely gifts! What is it about handmade books? Like you, I cannot stop making them.

    1. I haven't made any in a while. Hopefully these are the start of a more regular practice :-)


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