Thursday, September 2, 2021

52 Tags : Week 35

Welcome to September. That means Spring Equinox is almost here and warmer weather is just around the corner. I'm participating in Anne Brooke's weekly Tag challenge. You can view her demo on Youtube #52tagshannemade. Week 35 : 3 Buttons and some special fabric. Why have it stored in a cupboard when you can use and enjoy it? ðŸ’œ  This tag evolved from 3 points. 
1. Palmerston North in New Zealand went to Level 3 on Wednesday this week which means that children of essential workers are able to be supervised at schools in bubbles. Last year with all my breast cancer treatment, I wasn't able to help, but this year I'm all in so had to make some fabric masks since I'll be wearing them regularly and that's better for our environment than the disposable ones I've been using until now. This is my favourite so far - love these colours
2. A friend gifted me some beautiful wooden buttons when I had an operation earlier this year and I've been saving them...
I had a piece of fabric left over from the mask and it reminded me of water...I thought I could add the buttons like water flowers, and then I remembered
3. I have some beautiful lace from Burano Island near Venice gifted by a friend. It's been sitting in a drawer for a few years now waiting for the perfect project. I was able to snip off a bit as the perfect addition to a happy sea-themed tag for this week 
This link will take you to all of my posts about this challenge.


  1. Glad you'll be able to get out a bit more. Those wooden buttons are quite a find! A good use for them.

    1. We have been very very lucky and haven't been in full-on lockdown for more than 12 months. Hopeful that we will back to more normal living very soon.

  2. Another luxurious tag showcasing those beautiful buttons - they are a work of art in themselves and it's lovely that you made something special out of them. Love the patterns in the mask too - so much more cheerful than the plain disposable ones! Please do take care! xx

    1. Thank you my friend. Cases are dropping and haven't been any in my city so hopefully we will get back to something closer to normal later this week. I have my first vaccination on Tuesday. Have a great weekend


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