Wednesday, July 21, 2021

52 Tags : Week 29

I'm participating in Anne Brooke's weekly Tag challenge. You can view her demo each week on Youtube #52tagshannemade.Week 29 : Ort (scrappy). An Ort is a scrap or morsel left over, usually food, but a name for our collection of thread ends we'd normally throw away. Luckily Anne had warned us earlier in the year to collect these off-cuts for a challenge she had in mind. These are my threads
This is Anne's tag sample for this week:
I wanted to have a more defined design to my tag. My first thought when I saw Anne's was "What a bird's nest", so that's what mine became. 
Someone asked me what I do with these tags. They live in a box which currently fits but I may create a special holder at the end
They are also a weekly record of my activities on the back so will be a year's worth of journaling by the end 💜
Sometimes I add tape to cover knots of my stitching to the back, but not always. Sometimes my tags have machine edge stitching instead. The sari ribbon on this week's tag was also used on pages I finished in my art journal this week. I like that referencing. 
This link will take you to all of my posts about this challenge.


  1. Great idea for the birds nest and I didn't know you were journalling on the back of these - also a great idea! xx

    1. Loving this project. This might be my fav tag so far


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