Saturday, May 29, 2021

Free Inspirations for June

There are some more free online creative inspirations being offered in June if you're wanting a mid-year boost. The first I found out about from Tam at Willowing. Sign up to her newsletter here for all her announcements and freebies. Sign up for 
Art and Soul Emergence HERE. June 1-11
I might join just to be able to do another paint-over-collage self-portrait with Tam. This is what she'll be teaching : 
An annual event is Daisy Yellow's Index-Card-A-Day - might appeal to those who have just finished the 100 day project. June 1 - July 31
I have been inspired by the Collage Fodder 100 day project - especially the work of Megan Whisner Quinlan and Willa WandersWilla has just announced that there is a #FodderChallenge coming in June - there are a 9 artists taking part 
Free access to the classroom June 7 August 8. Every day from June 7 you will have access to one new lesson from 9 different artists. Sign up HERE. I am very inspired by Willa's work. Her newsletter subscribers recently had free access for a limited time to a very cool Secret Tag Book. 
It's now available for only US$27 HERE
Tam has also announced that Kaleidoscope is back for another year. I enrolled for last year's class and although I didn't actually try any of the lessons myself, I watched a lot and can say the information in it was definitely worth the price of admission. And it's forever access so I can go back and do them whenever I like. 
No harm in taking part in the new free Taster Week which will begin on June 14. You'll be able to join this taster week from June 1st HERE and Tam has shared on her Instagram and FB platforms that this cute creature will be part of that week from her. Taster week includes something from all teachers this year!
Might see you there. Happy creative weekend to you.


  1. Thanks for the link to Willa's class - I would have missed it! I follow her on Instagram but I haven't been on for a while. Have you seen this one: I've just signed up for the free bit.

    1. Yes I did. We are so lucky but it can get overwhelming!


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