Wednesday, April 21, 2021

April news and another free class.

I am grateful to be on school holidays. Yesterday was a milestone for me. It was my last visit to the oncology day ward for my final herceptin treatment. I have been going every 3 weeks since my chemo started last February. Grateful for the wonderful support of my beautiful family and friends. I feel very lucky 💜
I am scheduled for a full hysterectomy (fibroid - not cancer related) next month, so I am making sure I have lots of coffee and dinner catch ups with girlfriends before I am home-bound for some weeks. I am focussing on the blessing of some more quiet creative time ahead. I am making good progress on my secret quilt project (will be revealed at the end of this month) and also in progress with another art journal spread.
I am going to stay with my lovely mum tonight and will be stitching my next tag.
There's also another free online event happening this weekend
Jenny Grant has been very careful to make sure things are available in different time zones. I think the content is available for a week to play with - great timing for me. Might see you there...


  1. Congrats, that's wonderful news. Glad you are done with treatment.

  2. Last treatment- great news! Enjoy your school holidays.

  3. Your smile is very uplifting, Lynette! You've been through so much. Hurray for the final treatment and fingers crossed for the upcoming hysterectomy. I suffer from fibroids as well though I seem to be able to manage them with progesterone pills, for the time being anyway. I'll know who to go to if I need advice! Enjoy the school holidays xx

    1. Definitely time to celebrate. Not much further on this journey :-)

  4. PS I'll check out Jenny's class - I love her art!


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