Monday, February 1, 2021

January review

I have been blessed with having the whole of January off because I work at a school in New Zealand. Today I began Term One with the first of a couple of teacher only days and the children will start their school year on Wednesday. I am the school librarian, work 10 hours a week in the office, and I also hope to be teaching quilt making again in the second half of the year. I love my job but I have adored this time to rest and to have plenty of creative time. I don't know if I've ever been more productive and I feel back to my normal energy levels  again which is fantastic.  
Going forward, I'll obviously have less time to create. I am going to try and do my weekly Wanderlust lessons on the weekend as they are released, 
and gather my tag supplies so I can do my stitching for the weekly 52 Tags challenge on an evening early in the week to share with you regularly mid-week. 
So you should still see me blogging at least a couple of times during the week, and hopefully at least once more as I participate in some other online classes and personal projects that don't have the weekly deadline.
Last year I tried creating a book a month. I created a concertina/accordian book form earlier this month, and have now decided that I'm going to try and do a book for each season this year. This is the start of my Summer book - will hopefully be able to share it finished around the end of February. 
I don't think I shared these 2 birthday cards created earlier this month.
I've had a bit of fun with colour recently. I've been mixing of some of my gorgeous Pebeo Iridescents inspired by this YouTube Joggles video. These were my samples - so pretty. 
I was also inspired by Laly Mille to take my pastels out of their boxes and put them in bowls on my desk for easy access and inspiration. These are soft pastels, oil pastels and my Neocolor II's
Strathmore have announced their free online workshops for 2021
They start in March. I have added this to my link to free online artful classes which you can always find below my profile in the right side bar.
I hope we are all able to fit creativity into our February. Talk to you again soon.


  1. Glad you feel refreshed and ready for school. And you were indeed productive in your time off. The tags look like great fun especially.

    1. I am so loving having a weekly stitch project again.

  2. So inspiring to see all your projects together! Glad to hear you're feeling like you're back to your normal self! xx


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