Thursday, February 18, 2021

A Year of Mary : Wild and precious life

I shared a warm up lesson for this class HERE, and have finally managed to complete January's offering. Working with Mary Oliver's poem The Summer Day which contains perhaps her most famous quote.
I really love the sketched version before all the colour is added
Tombow markers and iridescent medium for the roses
Effy demonstrated tombow markers for the face as well, but I prefer to use acrylics, clear gesso, and then blended pencils.  
I think this could be lovely as a card and I could add different found words so remembered to take a photo before I added my quote
Very happy with how she turned out
Effy's version is on her blog HERE
And recently I saw this on FB which I think is too good not to share : 
Effy Wild is doing "A Year of Mary" as a monthly lesson exclusively on her Patreon at the $5 (speed painting) or $10 (full length tutorial and PDF) per month levels. Lessons are released mid-month. See all my art from this class HERE


  1. This is wonderful, Lynette - those colours just sing in harmony! Must check out that poem!

    1. Thanks Zsuzsa. Her poetry is wonderful and inspiring to live your best life.

  2. Read the poem! I totally get it! Find wonder and happiness in the little things - that's my motto too! xx

    1. Yes ♥ Follow your heart and do what makes you happy. Embrace all the wonderfulness.

  3. You've mastered every element of this, right down to the lettering. Beautifully done.

    1. So lovely to hear this. I wasn't as happy with my lettering in her hair this time but am happy with the piece as a whole.

  4. Your pencil sketch is really lovely.

    1. Thank you. I am so happy to still have the blog to capture the lovely stages along the process.


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