Wednesday, February 10, 2021

52 Tags : Week 6

I'm participating in Anne Brooke's weekly challenge on Youtube #52tagshannemade. Week 6 : A bevy of buttons. Inspired as well by Anne using a piece of vintage quilt for her background I got a piece of fabric and stitched it to a piece of batting for my base. 
Thinking about how to stitch buttons on in different ways, where to arrange them on the base, and what colour thread to use. 
So much fun from a simple idea
Scroll through all of my 52 tags HERE.


  1. Such a nice selection of buttons and stitching styles.

    1. So lovely to use them on a project I'll keep looking at.

  2. This has got a folksy, homespun feel to it - glad you're enjoying the challenge. It's nice to see our collection grow when taking part in these challenges, otherwise I probably wouldn't keep up.


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