Thursday, November 5, 2020

Journal 52 : Week 44

Journal 52 is a weekly prompt from Effy Wild 
(Free HEREthat I'm creating on a deck of jumbo playing cards 3.5'' x 4.75'' (8.5 x 12 cm)Each card will include stitch, a found word, and be inspired by the project I've been working on that week or what's lying leftover on my work table. 
See the original post HERE
Although the prompt offered by Effy for this week is Memory, we already had this prompt in May I only want 52 cards in my deck, so although Effy provided a final 'bonus' card prompt at the end of last year to make up for that, I'm using it here. I don't usually look at last year's files and prefer to just see the prompts as they show up in the group weekly and then respond. It's amazing how pertinent they often are to my current situation. This one needs my attention right now. We are coming into the busiest time of the school year - I am responsible for some big pieces of work in my job at school, plus I usually make bookmarks as gifts for my librarians and I would love to do some lessons from online courses this month. Add to that in early December we have a wedding to attend, and my mother's 80th birthday the following weekend - not even thinking about Christmas yet! I need to manage my expectations about what is possible in the next couple of months so that I can enjoy balance and be very present in my day. I am still in recovery and there needs to be space for relaxation and joy. 
#44 : Present Am I wholly here? Am I distracted? What needs to happen so that I can
show up with my whole self? Inspired by an envelope lying on my desk. Thinking about neutral colours and not getting distracted. 
It evolved into a mixed media collage celebrating nature - go to a place where you can sit and be present to what surrounds you. Dried hydrangea and honesty pod from my garden. Feather picked up on a walk. 
Find all my Journal 52 posts HERE


  1. Loving the neutrals - perfect with a touch of gold! It's important that you take time to recuperate, Lynette!

    1. The gold elevates it to something a bit special. Thank you :-)

  2. I like all the elements you incorporated in this journal card. I think the honesty plant is one we call "money plant". But the transparent look really adds a lot. You do have a lot coming up so it will be important to keep a balance and honor your health. Best to you.


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