Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Play time : Alcohol inks

I was inspired this week by Birgit Koopsen's experiments with alcohol inks on her gelli plate. See her video HERE and also her Instagram HERE with extra ideas. I already had a few alcohol inks, and then was given a 50% off voucher for Warehouse Stationery and purchased these :
What fun even though my prints don't look at all like Birgit's! I need to practice more with mixing or maybe limiting my colours and the right amount of white paint but there's nothing here I won't be able to use. If you click on any photo it will enlarge.
I probably need to try better quality paper since I used some large paper placemats for some of this printing and they wrinkled.
Even these "failures" which I did before ink had dried properly are pretty - like old walls of peeling paint
and I cleaned up with a cosmetic sponge and Ranger alcohol blending solution which will help lift the inks
There's nothing here I don't like - and I'm very happy with areas that I'll be able to tear and use as collage elements in future projects. I decided to crop a few photos for examples just for fun....


  1. Super Lynette! This technique is irresistible and addictive! Great idea to print on doilies - must try that! I've found that if you pull with gold or copper paint, it produces really nice results! You can't beat a 50% off voucher - I've got the gold and silver Pinata inks but haven't tried any of their regular colours. Happy playing!

    1. Adds idea about pulling with gold paint to list to try next time ;-) Thank you xo

  2. Replies
    1. I am using inky collage papers more and more. So excited about using these :-)

  3. They turned out beautifully. And what a great assortment of inks in your purchase.


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