Saturday, October 10, 2020

Perfect, not perfect.

One of the reasons I love taking collaborative workshops is because you get to make discoveries of new wonderful artists. In 
the Free Life Book 2021 Taster event one such new discovery for me is Maria Pace-Wynters
Her gorgeous lesson was called Perfect, not perfect : how to make the perfect mess and stop perfectionism from limiting your creative life. It was a lesson in using acrylic inks, lots of water and blotting, and enjoying the flow - the beauty of what evolves with happy accidents. Was a bit of a scary process in the art journal and I made it this far with the mess of ink, water and blotting before I moved into a more controlled way of working.
And as I continued to work on her, I was reminded of the reasons I work in my art journal 
I just love the whole process of creating - experience and expression, process not perfection. I will keep going until I find the face that I love in this and I'm learning with every page how I can try and use a teacher's inspiration to add something to my own art and creative voice. She doesn't look like anyone else's and I love that.
Wishing you a happy and creative weekend - whatever that looks like for you.


  1. Just love your colors in this- nicely done. That's quite a list of offerings in the taster event!

    1. Thanks. Almost overwhelming for the Taster but I know what I like and what I want to experiment with so am able to select just a few things.


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