Saturday, October 17, 2020

Cheap and Free classes you don't want to miss

There are a couple of online classes I just have to share with you today so you don't miss out. 
Have you joined The Painted Paper Project Kindness Movement? 
Created by Rae Missigman and Sandi Keene, and featuring tutorials by more than 10 lovely artists, Rae has warned that doors are closing on this FREE offering in November so get in there now. Once you've enrolled you get to keep the content. I have been inspired by watching a few of the videos, and have so far created the lovely tags at the top of this post, inspired by the lesson called Encouragement bites by Kristi Nazzaro - also available free on her site. Here are some recent "Envelopes of Kindness" that Rae's created. I can't wait for my Summer holidays to have more fun with this. 
I also adore Laly Mille's work
In January I created a lovely Book of Whispers inspired by her class and more recently I shared cards I'd created from a Free Life book Taster lesson. To celebrate 10 years of painting, she's created a Free online offering called Artist Soul
It's only on offer for a very limited time 
21-26 OCT. 2020 so check it out now. She also still has available her FREE video series about supplies and it's worth a look.
Another artist I love is Tracy Verdugo - she has a couple of FREE classes on offer
and has recently announced a special deal of US$27 for Jump into Abstract Painting
I'm considering purchasing this because of the price and that it's a Tracy class I can afford right now. One of the things I've been thinking about recently is about the reasons to continue to purchase new online art classes when I already have a bunch that I've only looked at and many that are not completed. There is a lot on offer and you can want to take *all the things* for fear of missing out. It's also very easy to feel guilty when you sign up for something and then don't have time to do it. I only pay for things with lifetime access, so I can do them in my own time, and I know my art style so I can use my head a bit more when making decisions. But another reason to purchase classes if you can afford to (and I'm always on the look-out for a bargain) is to financially support teachers you love. I want those online teachers I love to keep being able to do what they do. 
A heads up that in the past I have bought classes on great deals in Black Friday Sales -these are examples from 2019 and that's where I purchased Laly's Book of Whispers mentioned above. This year's date is November 27th so mark your diaries to check out your favourite artists for potential specials then. 


  1. Love the tags! Thanks for the links. I'm with you- online learning is so enjoyable and fits any schedule. But I have enrolled in some and then not done very much with them. So I need to consider carefully when thinking about another.

    1. The tags were fun to make. We are soooo lucky with online learning. Easy to get carried away!

  2. There's so much free stuff out there, it's hard to manage all the sign-ups LOL! I've signed up for Laly's course - waiting for it to begin! The PPP sounds interesting, I'll defo check it out. Thanks for the link! Your tags look lovely with your trademark stitching!


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