Saturday, September 12, 2020

Journal 52 : Week 36

Journal 52 is a weekly prompt from Effy Wild (Free HEREthat I'm creating on a deck of jumbo playing cards 3.5'' x 4.75'' (8.5 x 12 cm)Each card will include stitch, a found word, and be inspired by the project I've been working on that week or what's lying leftover on my work table. See the original post HERE.
#36 : Release and #37 : Patience Inspired by my magnolia tree, using more of these papersand lots in my head this week...
I'm reaching the end of my radiotherapy and I am tired. I have been managing all the usual things I do in a week, aside from going to bed earlier. My family are looking after me and trying to get me to rest this weekend. For me that involves Release (of my expectations) and Patience (things get done differently than I would). I wanted to do both cards today (last week and this coming week) so that I don't feel 'behind' again. I am grappling with things not being as I want, but not having the energy and motivation to be able to do anything about that at present. I need the messages of both these cards this week.  
Effy's Release card was inspired by Autumn and trees releasing their leaves. See her card and musings HERE. We are entering Spring in New Zealand, and my Magnolia is gorgeous and also wind-blown releasing petals to the ground.
I adore using sari ribbon and the small bird stencil was the perfect finish.
My second card has been an exercise in Patience...I don't think it's quite done so I'll share tomorrow.
Effy's been writing "Ten Things" again on her blog. I love her articulate writing style, and value her honesty. I often find her words resonate with me although our experiences are vastly different. Today this : 
VIII. The whole conversation about strength and how all that we experience ‘makes us strong’ and how sick I am of that story. The way I handle what I experience makes me strong. The experience itself doesn’t get any fucking credit. The way I do the work, the way I work to learn, grow, grapple, the way I do my level best to own and hold my own, the way I move through…that’s all me.
I am strong. I am resilient. I know how to Shine with Intention. I am ready to release the experience of months of dealing with breast cancer, and move forward being able to focus on other things. 
Find all my Journal 52 posts HERE 


  1. The magnolia tree is beautiful, and so symbolic for your art card. I'm sure you are ready to release this experience- it's been wearing. All the best to you in regaining your full health.

  2. So true. Wouldn't wish this cancer bullshit on anyone, but the only thing is to get through it.So glad you are nearly finished your treatment and will start to feel better

  3. Thank you both. I am starting to feel more like myself :-)


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