Sunday, May 17, 2020

Special Gifted Quilt

I am feeling very loved and very lucky today. My quilt house group made me a quilt and it was delivered today 💜
Most of the group gathered back in March with fabrics they'd selected, and constructed my positive plus quilt top in a sewing day together. Then we went into lockdown. One of them quilted it with a gorgeous spiral pattern 
and now that we have moved to Level 2 and are able to move around, it was able to be delivered to another to attach the binding by machine and add the label before delivering to the last member for the final step of hand-stitching the binding to the back. Every member of the group was involved. If you click on the photos you can see the stunning quilting in more detail.
The back is almost as cool as the front!
I am doing so well. I was diagnosed with breast cancer just before Christmas via a routine mammogram. I have two more rounds of chemo to go - one tomorrow, and one more mid-June, followed by a surgical consultation in mid-July. I love my positive plus quilt and am staying optimistic and happy in no small part due to the love and support that I have from so many lovely friends and family. This is me taking delivery of my very special quilt today.
Hope you have some happy creative times this week.


  1. That is special indeed! How wonderful that you are feeling well and down to the finish line soon. The quilt is bright and lively, like you!


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