Sunday, May 31, 2020

May : Prayer flags banner finished

Creating my book for May turned into a banner of prayer flags and I'm loving it. These 'pages' definitely fulfil the brief of being a monthly creation
 on book pages that is small and gorgeous, mixed media and stitched. I chose my words early on and stamped them on fabric with permanent ink
Next was to create my bases of book pages topped with organza and I took the opportunity to stitch some little elements too
Then it was over to intuitive layering 
First I made piles of papers, fabric and trims that could be included
It all came together very easily after that gathering.  Enjoyed the play again of making tyvek beads
and including old lace pieces and lovely sari ribbons
 It was a joyful and heart-led project. This is the entire banner followed by close-up shots of each word flag. 
Looking forward to a new project creating my book for June.


  1. This prayer flag banner is lovely Lynette. Love everything about it... the colors, the words, the texture!

    1. Thanks Mary. I am thrilled with how it turned out ♥

  2. I love this. This is my new favourite of things you've made.

    1. Thanks so much Sue. I need to do more mixed media fibre art pieces. Loved every bit of this process

  3. Really lovely, and such a creative approach to the book-a-month idea.

    1. Thanks Nancy. So thrilled I followed my heart on this one


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