Sunday, April 19, 2020

New FREE inspirations and NZ art supplies

I've made some new discoveries and they've sent me away from the real world for a bit making joyous discoveries - I almost called this post "Down the Rabbit hole" ♥
I've had a fellow Kiwi join my favourite Book of Days online class - she asked a question about stencils so I shared what I know about NZ suppliers and techniques - she had discovered a supplier that is new for me and I will definitely be exploring Craftables (located in Tauranga but with online ordering) after lockdown. If you are in NZ you might like to explore that post about where I shop for supplies. Have just updated it - you can always find it in my right side bar.
I must admit I'm a little overwhelmed about all the generous cheap and free offerings around at present (says she before she shares yet more!). There are things I've joined that I still haven't had time to look at!
I AM still working regular week day hours from home and have teenage boys and husband in my bubble so some of my time is taken with playing darts, poker, Psych (cool app to play together on your phone) and a lego challenge that we've set up for our extended family with a private FB group. This was my sewing machine challenge which I'm pretty proud of. 
Art is my main escape and balm of course. So let's get back to some inspiration. If you click HERE you'll be able to scroll through the recent posts of all the FREE online art offerings I've discovered. Not sure if I shared that Willowing is sharing a HEAP of free stuff HERE 
This includes 50% off Life Book 2020 which is totally amazing - she's never offered this before. Follow that link for the discount code. 
Also Kasia Avery has available a fun Prayer Flag project - sign up for FREE HERE.
I know I've shared that Kellee Wynne has created a Virtual Art Summit featuring 17 talented artists HERE. You can join for no charge but they are accepting donations to help create more programs like this and keep them available to everyone at no cost when they need it most. Last Day to register is April 30th, but sharing again because Kellee has extended the watch time until May 31st so you have more time if you register now.
I've made a few new discoveries lately of artists you might like if you like paper and stitch together : Roxy Creations - that link is Instagram. 
Blog is not being updated but lots of lovely projects there to explore, and lots on YouTube - very actively sharing there.
Michelle Schratz : RaspberryBlueSky. Again that's Instagram
She has a YouTube channel and was recently guest artist for Life Documented 2020
Kristi Nazzaro is Soul Positive. I love her use of found words.
She has featured a few times on Life Documented and also has lovely projects on her blog.
Wendy Soganik Willa Wanders - hand made journals and filling them up with goodness.
and through her I discovered that DJ Pettitt is now on Instagram and arting again. 
I am thrilled - she has long been one of my favourite artists. Check out her beautiful books and photography through the old posts on her blog
Hope you find something there to inspire some happy creative time or refilling your creative well. Take care of you


  1. You are certainly staying busy and engaged with games, art and more! You are a magnet for all the wonderful free art offerings. Thank you so much for sharing them! Best to you

    1. Yay I'm so pleased you like them. I figure if sharing the love inspires just one I have been successful :-)

  2. So much inspiration everywhere! I know about that rabbit hole LOL! Love your mini lego sewing machine!

    1. Thanks Zsuzsa. We have lots to be grateful for in our online art community.


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