Monday, March 23, 2020

Gratitude Journal Jam spread

Time for another face in my altered art journal. I started with a lip-up face in stabilo pencil inspired by Effy's most recent live. You can re-watch HERE and if you only want this art technique start watching from 20 minutes in. This is how mine started - stabilo pencil and water only.
I'm a turban girl at the moment cos of chemo. No clue if she will stay like this by the time I get to the end of the page (as you can see by the preview picture she did not!). The piece of paper on the right background was glued down to hide an intrusive title and picture. Then, just because I felt like I wanted to be led today, I went back to Effy's first Journal Jam live in The Wilderhood and followed along with the prompts....Pink
Add a quick drawing of a flower - I'm a stencil girl so did that instead. 
Realised that I hadn't used workable fixative on the stabilo to seal it so added that next so my colours stay clearer rather than grungy. Reminds me a bit of our plastic bathing caps from the 70s but am confident it won't remain so!
Draw a shape I tweaked the prompt to suit myself and glued down a bird from a serviette and will use it for paint over collage base
Write a phrase that is meaningful to you Did a little quick research by looking back at my thoughts about Shine earlier this year and in my notes came across the perfect words from Mary Oliver : "It is a serious thing just to be alive on this fresh morning in the broken world." Use a typewriter font in a word document, printed on some lovely scrapbook paper ready to cut out and add when I've added some more colour to the page (test on ordinary copy paper first to check the size is right for your page)
Yellow Yay colour for the background - I went with a soft daffodil 
Purple Double yay - one of my favourite colours and think a glaze will be great over those initial stencils...and then I used it for face shading and in her garment ♥
Add love hearts Has to be gold for Shine
Add a bird - that's the last prompt before we were left to finish on our own so I first worked some pitt pens over the collaged serviette
Now happy to continue working in my own style. First step was to add clear gesso over my face so I could add the pencil blending technique I love, and pen detailing of course 
and extra layers to be happy with her flower turban. 

In gratitude - that I was well enough to work in my art journal yesterday, that I have lovely art supplies to support my creativity, that I can share my journey here with you, that I am part of such a strong online art community. As I post this, New Zealand is entering social lock down - I am additionally feeling gratitude for how our NZ government is handling this situation, that my loved ones are currently safe, and for our wonderful caring NZ health system. I hope you are safe and making sure you are fitting self-care in alongside your care for others. Talk to you again soon. 


  1. Your spread is lovely, and your faces get better and better. Effy's lip-up method is so easy compared to the drawing an oval, marking placement lines, etc. I really enjoyed it.

    1. Thanks Nancy. I feel like I have a style now ♥


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