Saturday, December 14, 2019

More FREE creative inspiration for the end of the year

We are going to my mother-in-law's 80th birthday celebrations this afternoon, and my own Mum had a birthday this week too. I love to make handmade cards and made these bases in October. Meant they were easily completed when time is short. It's the personalising that makes them really special - my family understand the practically perfect reference.
The students at my school all finished at lunchtime yesterday....that means I'm only 2 teacher-only days away from a lot more creative time ♥ I have an email file of inspiration that I'm not letting myself enjoy until I finish work. These 3 have just been added : 
Susannah Conway has 2 wonderful offerings to complete your year and look forward to 2020 with a word of intention. I recommend these from previous experience
Find Your Word for 2020 HERE 
Unravel Your Year HERE 
Ivy Newport also has 12 Days of Creativity available HERE - FREE videos, creative inspiration and discounted classes.


  1. Enjoy your time off- and you are the best at finding fun and free journaling activities. Thanks for the links!


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