Tuesday, October 1, 2019

The rest of me in September and continuing inspiration

If you're interested in seeing the art I've completed this past month, scroll back through my previous posts. I am particularly pleased to see how my Klimt in the garden with Rumi art cards are shaping up to be a connected series. I have completed 12 cards so far this year with another 3 prompts to go. 
At my work our whole school had a dress up day to celebrate our Founder's Day 
and I couldn't resist this pose since I'm not usually a shussing librarian! ;-)
I had a wonderful relaxing weekend away to Raumati beach with a group of girlfriends - highly recommended
Inspiration has come in the form of new supplies : 
Who knew Mitre 10 had some cool stencils?!
Loving "40% off any item" vouchers (Left - Spotlight now have some Liquitex products. Right - Warehouse stationery - been looking for a good Red) 
and spending some of my gift card with careful consideration....I still have money left. Landscape colours look awfully like great skin and eye colours to me ♥
These gorgeous oracle cards were lovingly gifted to me : 
Find the artist's blog HERE and her FB page HERE.
FINALLY Tam's new book arrived at my house. Happy to report it is lovely both with regard to style development advice and also the art projects.
I've also been creatively inspired by watching some of the lessons in the FREE Life Book Summit for 2019 16-30 September. Access has been EXTENDED UNTIL 7 OCTOBER - I believe you can still sign up HERE.
I started my new Inner work journal this month. 
I am continuing to focus on intentions rather than a check list of 'to do'. This journal contains my written practice and is evolving as I do - often I find this business of "writing things out" either in response to prompts or tarot or oracle card pulls leads me to personal insights and clarity. I've been doing less writing lately, but I still do a daily journal record and am thinking about how that practice might look next year. I began with shopping for a new hard-covered book and was drawn to purchase the mandala stencil at the same time
Used a cosmetic sponge to put gesso through the stencil onto the cover (dab on and off then pounce)
and once dry I sprayed the entire front cover with a Matte Varnish to seal and protect. I love the simplicity of it.
Looking ahead to October : the first 2 weeks is school hols. YAY. I am going into work for limited hours on only a few days so hoping that I'll have more time to be creative.
I cannot wait to go to the World of Wearable Art show in Wellington to finish my holidays. 
Check out the award winners HERE. I am not looking at them all until I've been to the show. 
In other news, it's far too cold for October today - I want to be swapping my winter woollies out for spring blouses....everything crossed that's something I don't have to wait until November to enjoy! Wishing you warmth with plenty of creative time at your house this coming month.


  1. Love the Founder's Days photo and event! And how nice to have a weekend away at the beach with friends. I'm going to go take a look at the fashion, but I can see why you want to wait. Enjoy the show.

    1. Thanks Nancy. I had a really fun month and this October is shaping up to be an inspiring one :-)


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