Sunday, October 27, 2019

Dream in full colour

I've been loving my last few journal pages because they've evolved from my #arteveryday practice of doing a little and often, listening to my instincts of what I feel like I want to add next rather than following a particular lesson plan. There will always be a place for online art classes, but I'm loving what's been happening this month in my original art. This time I started with a base of paper collage
Day 1
Love these inspiring found words in the background which I have highlighted with Stabilo pencil to be the start of the story
My first roses are starting to bloom at my house. This is the climber "Compassion" - taken on a wet day when I really needed reminding that Summer is going to come
They provided the inspiration for my first layer of colour this week, as well as the use of my next serviette layer
Day 2
Have you used serviettes in your work? I began with this floral one that was gifted recently. Most are 3 layers and you need to remove the back plain layers
Then use a small brush dipped in plain water to outline your chosen piece and lift it out before gluing to your background. 
Add your gel medium to your base page, then put the serviette on top and smooth out with your glue brush
Day 3
Next day I saw where to add my face - I am loving using inky Stabilo pencil for my first lines
Day 4
And I thought I would like a hand to hold something - again in Stabilo which can be erased with a wet wipe...This is in fact what happened next day as you will see - but this sketch was enough to tell me I was on the right track
Day 5
Face now complete with paint and pen detailing
I don't often use birds in my work, but this cardboard collage element was perfect. I smudged the white edges with purple pitt pen to make her blend more and I'm happy with this effect. 
Then I just needed to add some gold around the page
And here is the spread finished (Day 6)
I will definitely be trying to #arteveryday in my journal again this coming week. See all of my art in my altered art journal from this year in my Flickr album or by clicking on the label below.

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