Thursday, August 1, 2019

July review and what to look forward to in August

The photo above is of the art I've completed this past month ♥ Feeling the creative vibe again. The thing I'm most proud of is that all that art above came from me - no direct following of any lessons! I still want to continue to be inspired by lessons from my favourite teachers - it's how we all learn. But it's very satisfying to know that I have my own unique artistic voice. 
I had a nasty bout of flu last month which slowed me down and made me rest. It meant I wasn't able to teach as planned, but hopefully there'll be enough interest for me to teach my prepared class about journal construction next week. I'll be sharing ideas and links here on the blog after I've taught the class.
In the coming month I'm looking forward to creative inspiration with the arrival of Tam's new book : 
and the content presented by teachers in Book of Days 2019 : this is a peek at our preview of offerings for August : 
I'm also excited that there will be new supplies in my studio soon courtesy of some vouchers from Warehouse Stationery and the discovery of a wonderful expansion of their Ranger products in our local store ♥ 
On the strength of that discovery I've updated my post about where I shop for mixed media supplies too. You can always find that link up in the top right side bar. Warehouse Stationery continues to impress with their range of products and is now my first local destination of choice for art purchases.
I continued to write almost every day in my Inner Work Journal
Each tab is a new month in this journal and the bookmark shows where I am preparing August. Given the number of pages left, I think I will be looking for a new Inner Work journal to coincide with Spring in September and new beginnings ♥
I had some good viewing in July with some new discoveries and revisiting some old favourites. "Amelie" and "Bright Star" are two of my most favourite movies. My best read last month was "The Strawberry Thief" - it was a wonderful continuation of the series begun with "Chocolat"
I've just about completed my rose pruning and I've brought daphne inside to my table - I love that smell. 
We have another month to get through of our official Winter, but our days are already lengthening again after Winter Solstice. I look forward to August with wishes for warmth and creative joy. This is my current journal spread in progress : 
Hope to share with you again soon.


  1. Always fun to see what you've done, and what's coming up. And you had a big finish with your journal spread- it's stunning!

    1. Happy weekend Nancy. I can't wait to see how I finish that spread. I just love the shimmer and patterning.


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