Sunday, July 7, 2019

Klimt lovers in the garden with Rumi

It's school holidays. Yay. I got a bit run down during the term and paid for it with a nasty flu that began a week ago. I couldn't even teach my class on Journal construction so you'll have to wait for the post on that until August. But I'm on the slow mend and I've started my holidays by making another art card inspired by Effy's A Year of Rumi online class. The last one you saw of this series was an Autumn card at the beginning of June, but I hadn't yet done the actual quotes from May or June so now it's finally school holidays I'm having to play a bit of catch up...I looked back at what I was doing in May for inspiration, and I began by teaching my Gelli plate printing class so an old gelli print became part of my gatherings. I knew I wanted to use the Klimt faces from the serviette I've already used on the box and for March, but this time I wanted to rearrange the position of the heads.  I also wanted to use that lovely heart that I made some time ago of polymer clay. 
Stitched the base paper, fabric, sari and decorative ribbon down. Then needed to make a decision about which way to orientate this with positioning of the serviette faces and quote
Then I remembered that I'm doing Klimt in the garden - need to add some floral...I just love this very Klimt fabric that I have in my stash.
This is where I got to by the end of day one - the green is very dark behind the faces and I didn't quite position them as I had originally thought but can work with this
Today I added my mix of machine and hand stitching, and the buttons. White posca pen to highlight her nose so not so green, and gold dots complete the card. 
Loving the repetition of elements which are working as an additional linking of this series together. These include hand stitched Xs, using metallic thread for machine stitching, quotes all printed in the same font/colour on recycled paper. All cards begin as a square of watercolour paper measuring 5 3/4" and become truly mixed media by the end. Click on any photo to see it larger.
Find out more about the "A Year with Rumi" class with Effy Wild HEREYou can also enjoy this class by joining Effy's Patreon account and paying monthly. Check out the labels below for more entries about my project.


  1. These are so stunning. Glad to hear you are on the mend from the flu.

    1. Thanks. Well enough for art but not well enough for too much housework yet! ;-)


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