Saturday, June 1, 2019

May review, welcome June, and FREE art lessons

The photo above is of the art I completed in May. Although I don't feel like I've been as creative as I would like, that's more than one piece a week so I'm happy with that. 
I also taught an intro to Gelli printing class
and took our first school electives session with 15 students beginning to make neo natal quilts - selecting fabric is such fun, and I've got some great extra adult support. 
I was creatively inspired by a couple of wonderful quilt exhibitions
and made a couple of small purchases which I am enjoying
I continued to write most days and my Inner Work journal now looks like this (each tab is the beginning of a new month) 
I also continue to take photos for my #arteveryday practicealthough I've not been arting as much as I'd like, I would like to encourage you to keep a record of being creative every day. Last week was Week 26 of #arteveryday. That's a whole 6 months since I began
This is my record of what I was reading and watching - with darker evenings there's definitely been more watching..."Welcome to Marwen" was just okay and "Outside" is a teen read and not as good as "Room" which is similar subject, but I really enjoyed everything else here :  
And now it's June : Birthday month....and I don't just mean the Queen! ♥ Both my younger son and I celebrate birthdays in June and it's a good month to look at what else needs celebrating and what needs to be released as we approach the end of the first half of the year. I know there are challenges ahead - longer nights and more unsettled weather as we approach Winter Solstice and my gym has just closed so I'm looking for an alternative, but I know there are also joyful outings coming, and I begin this new month with hope for better energy and more creativity. I'm going to try and focus a bit more on my word SHINE : this month I'm back to concentrating on S for Self-care and I'll make sure Ease is in there too. A long weekend is a great way to begin a new month. And I'm setting intentions this month instead of a long to-do list to tick off. 
If you're looking for new art challenges, quite a lot comes up as the northern hemisphere heads into Summer. I always like to share FREE options. 
Marit's Quirky Dutch Summer 2019 Starts on June 10th - all the information including previous posts are HERE.
There's Daisy Yellow's ICAD challenge HERE : June 1-July 31, 2019
Also looking ahead to July is this free online weekend event
It's part of a larger year-long workshop and while I am at my limit with my online class inspiration, this coincides with the first weekend of our next school holidays... so even if I only manage to watch one or two things it's worth me signing up. Also a great way to discover artists that may be new inspiration to you. 
Happy June - hope you are blessed with sunshine and creativity this month. 

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