Tuesday, April 16, 2019

New FREE online art tutorials

I've recently come across a couple of new free online offerings that you might be interested in. When looking up Cary Cutler Scholes (one of our online teachers for Book of Days 2019 and probably the subject of my next blog post) I found these free workshops offered by Brandi Dayton
In 2015 we lost our 15 year old son in a tragic car accident, this changed my journey and inspired me to start to teach online classes. The first free classes I did was “birds and the bees”, these classes along with “a thing called love” are my gift as a memory to my son.
6 free lessons by Brandi The birds and the bees
18 lessons by Brandi and a variety of other invited artists : A thing called loveThe below image is from Toni Burt's lesson.
And this one is by Cary Cutler Scholes
These have been added to my full list of cheap and FREE online art classes (link top right column of my blog)
I've also received some emails about the online Sketchbook Revival 2019 : 
This is also FREE but runs for a limited time April 22- May 4 (sessions available until May 18th). Details HERE. Although I can't possibly do every lesson, I love to discover new artists this way, and I can't wait to see what these lovely artists (already known to me) have on offer : 
Tamara Laporte (Willowing)

Other artists known to me but I can't share a preview of their project : Carla Sonheim and Toni Burt (her art in the other free class further up the page). 26 artists in total. Looks good doesn't it? You can sign up HERE
Thank you to Jorin who commented below and added a couple more currently available : these have been added to my full list because always available.
Marieke Blokland : Art journal school 
Creating an Infinite pool of ideas by creativity coach by Robyn McClendon


  1. Thanks for the great links! I found three other ones that are free: https://yourcreativitycoachbyrobynmcclendon.wordpress.com/2019/04/08/creating-an-infinite-pool-of-creative-ideas/ and Marieke Blokland has two others: https://www.bloknote.nl/artchallenge/ and - for beginners - https://www.bloknote.nl/artjournalschool/

  2. Thanks so much Jorin - I will check them out and add them to this post and/or the big list as fits :-)

  3. A great collection, Lynette! Thanks for the heads up - I've added the Thing Called Love to my desktop to explore when I have more time!

  4. "A thing called love" looks great eh? It does make me wonder though how many other awesome offerings there are out there I haven't discovered. Probably just as well - I don't have enough time for what I know about! ;-)


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