Friday, January 18, 2019

Hawaiian Holiday review and Traveling Art ♥

This week we returned from a family holiday of 11 nights in Hawaii! Can't quite believe I can write that ♥ Our eldest has just finished high school and we don't know what the future looks like so we're making the most of this time could be our last big trip as the 4 of us. I went anticipating lots of amazing experiences but also hoping for some transportable art time... I tend to overpack art supplies when I am traveling within New Zealand so I tried to keep my supplies limited 
Before we left I created a gelli journal inspired by Julie Fei-Fan Balzer's online class so I had a journal of backgrounds to doodle on and took my Inner work journal to write in (note the perfect Hawaiian cover - a lovely coincidence cos our holiday wasn't booked when I purchased it ♥)
No idea what to expect in terms of realistic art time or shopping for art's what happened. First part of our stay was in Maui - we had a balcony that was perfect for morning coffee...and art journaling

afternoon wine...and art journaling
journaling of any kind at any time really ♥ 
I shared base pages in my Gelli journal HERE. Maui was very relaxed and I actually managed to complete 3 pages in my journal whilst away! These are the base pages and the finished : 
I've left the inside front cover at this stage. 
Lots of metallic pens on the above - lots going on but couldn't stop!
As far as art supplies go, I was very disappointed with what was available. (Please don't advise me now about where I should have gone!!) Only purchased the following in Maui from Ben Franklin Crafts 
- lovely stencils that helped me with my page above and I can't wait to try that really large one. The pens and ink pad were cheaper than NZ, but I had been hoping to see Jane Davenport supplies and Art Foamies by Julie Fei-Fan Balzer and many more stencil designs but alas it wasn't to be....
Once we got to Honolulu for the second stage of our holiday, we spent a lot more time out in the city at night, and I only kept up with my written journaling. purchased the Southern Hemisphere PDF Planner for a Magical 2019 to print and use weekly, and it was good for brief notes of what we did each day
I really like how there's space on the page for me to print out 3 photos of highlights of each week although it was hard to choose for this fortnight! Then I wrote more detailed notes and was thrilled I kept this up daily. 
Now for the inspiration - the hotel in Maui was a resort - lots of palm trees 
and I especially loved the architectural and furniture patterning which I photographed for future art inspiration :
Loved the pineapple details in our room
In Honolulu our hotel was much more modern and inner city - they did have this very cool tiled floor in the bathroom - this way up they look like pansies
And I can't finish this post without a few favourite photos of me loving every moment of my Hawaii experience
Don't forget it's the middle of winter in Hawaii and perfect temperatures for us - blue skies and 28 degrees every day and it only rained at night
On our last night I purchased this calendar for my studio - a reminder of my Hawaii experience and to remember the good things in life. The beach has always been my happy place ♥ 
I have begun 2019 so grateful for the opportunity to travel with my family and soak in so many new experiences, but also with renewed love and gratitude for the beautiful land which I call home...and now I'm going to work in my new altered journal. Sharing tomorrow ♥


  1. Oh, what a post! Looks like a holiday of a lifetime! Both your boys look so handsome and I can't believe the older one is now sporting a beard! So good that you were able to sneak in some arty time - sitting on that balcony must have been total bliss!

  2. Thanks Zsuzsa - it was indeed a very special family holiday. I was thrilled to fit art in on the balcony while away. Happy to be home though will all the creative and other opportunities ahead. I am always energised by this time of year.


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