Sunday, January 20, 2019

First spread in my new altered art journal

I shared my new art journal yesterday and as promised, today I'm sharing my first spread inspired by the Opening Ceremonies lesson from Effy Wild (Book of Days 2019) and my word of the year. I began with a photo taken earlier this month. I chose it because it's not staged, just me enjoying life and how I am as I start the year. I printed it on some nice 'white linen' 160gsm card through my printer - I like the texture better than plain printer paper. I didn't start with a colour scheme in mind but LOVE this pink tapa tape so began with that
and then had to choose an envelope to fit in the gap - nice textured creamy white and I'm heading for a very pretty colour scheme. Problem - the narrow pink washi is very sticky and keeps tearing...use your good stuff before it starts not working properly! I managed to tape where I needed to on the envelope, and all the bits I had to tear off I just popped in the background - they'll give texture and show through subsequent layers - or not - doesn't really matter cos they might as well be there as in the bin!
And when I closed the photo flap I decided I just have to keep those words ♥
I put some clear gesso over those and then started with my paint. Trying a different colour scheme....Design Seeds is great for new colour combination inspirations
Although the white tapa stencil improves this I am really not loving it so least it's a nice light background. Let's see if my lovely new stencil can improve things
Yep - instant improvement! Contrast of darker colour as well as loving the patterning
- more to be done yet though. I decided I'd tidy my table while I thought about next steps and realised that I can't see any of that gorgeous tapa tape here. Once that vibrant colour was added back I started to love this and decided to add some simple stitching to the flap for some added texture. Feeling very happy about the direction of this spread now....
You can click on any photo to see it larger. White dots add light (SHINE) and make me happy
If you read my post about my word, you'll know that I'm keeping with Shine (this is my third year) with an emphasis on Ease. Inside my envelope I've tucked a printable of my SHINE focus words and how I will invite in Ease this year (taken from my blog post) : 
Found words appear often in my work - these are from a large print dictionary
I love the dark print on white background and I'm pleased to share my finished spread
A different colour scheme for me, and a lovely way to start my new journal and my year.


  1. I saw your spread on Facebook but seeing it 'grow' in this step-by-step blogpost is even more awesome! I love the darker stenciled pattern and your word of the year, so thoughtfull! Thanks for visiting my blog, have a good day in your corner of the world, enjoy the sunshine (it's freezing cold here in The Netherlands, people already speak of ice-skating next week!) Love from Holland!

  2. Oh yes, that stencil really brought things all together nicely! And I like the little white pen touches you added for detail. Well done!

  3. Lovely photo of you Lynette - you look so happy! Super page - divine stenciling and I really love your brightly patterned washi tapes too! Glad you're back from hols safely! xx

  4. Thanks all of you - it's wonderful to be starting the year artfully again. Really excited about the new BOD collaborative course and working in a new journal of course. Thinking you'll see that stencil recurring in my work this year too.

  5. Gorgeous! I love how you share your process - it inspires me to keep going when I'm dissatisfied. And I LOVE the stencil - I've been looking for one with wild carrot type flowers for ages (I have a wild carrot tattooed on my upper arm, because I love it so much.) Did you get it in NZ or from overseas?

  6. Thanks Cally :-) Unfortunately that gorgeous stencil was an overseas purchase - one of the few things I've found but think it's going to be a new favourite.


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