Friday, December 14, 2018

Christmas cards 2019

I made sure we had nothing planned last weekend to have a chance to rest and create before the last week of school. One of my goals was to make just a few Christmas cards for my workmates this week, thinking I would leave the rest until I've finished work. I used a simple technique and after an hour had completed all my cards for the year! 
The technique was to use watersoluble markers, a stamp, and a spray mister bottle for water. After a few experiments, I found I liked using the large brush time of the markers to rub on the stamp without water. After stamping the first impression, I added a spritz of water which gave me an extra 2 more watercolour-like impressions
I decided that the ones that were a bit more splodgy might do with an addition of a reindeer (just marker on the stamp not sprayed)
Then I finished the rest with various washi tapes. 
I love the variety I got from just 4 colours and one stamp 
These have much more white space than is my usual style. I am loving this simple look for this year - hope my recipients like them too ♥


  1. Thanks - so great to get them posted today :-)
    Merry Merry to you

  2. These are very unique! You're so prolific these days! Looks like you're on a roll! Enjoy! xx

  3. Thanks Zsuzsa - cool technique eh? Yep I am ready to roll even more - first day of Summer hols :-D


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