Monday, December 17, 2018

Birthday Lace

Last year I made birthday gifts for my brother, my mum and an Aunty of framed lace. We recently had birthday celebrations including the other Aunty of that family. Since it's family lace, I decided she needed to receive her own piece.
Once more I used coffee to stain some watercolour paper, then tore it to size and used hand stitching to attach some pieces of her Grandmother's lace 
The watercolour is then mounted on a piece of scrapbook paper (the frame is 12" inner) before inserting in the frame which has a spacer to the glass so the lace isn't squashed.
Hard to photograph without reflection, but click on the photo for a larger view. As a bonus aside, I just love the paper I found to wrap it {$2 shop!}


  1. What a beautiful present! It looks fantastic framed and the wrapping paper is truly adorable! Anyone would love such a personal and thoughtful present!

  2. My Aunty does indeed love it ♥ So worthwhile to make something so personal.


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