Saturday, November 3, 2018

November musings

2 months left of the year and with all the new online art classes coming out it makes me reflect on what I want to work on for the rest of the year, and begin to think about what my dreams might be for 2019...First a review of October (the "All of Me" part ♥) Began with the National Secondary Basketball competition : 
This was the last basketball competition for my eldest representing his high school. We were very proud that he was awarded the cup last week for greatest contribution to Palmerston North Boys' High Basketball ♥
He finished high school yesterday for study leave before exams - has to return for a couple of last school days in December but pretty much that's a wrap for his schooling! Another time of change ahead for our family...
This is my first Evelyn rose of the season. Bigger than the palm of my hand and divinely scented. One of my fav roses
Now to the Art : I've felt like I haven't spent enough time making art this month, although when I looked back I've done all of this : 
This was my first Christmas craft club session that I led at school this past week (this counts as arting due to preparation time as well as the actual session) : 
I've also got things that are in progress....and herein lies some frustration. Another page in my doodle journal - shared with you 20th October
Today - progress during the week but still not complete
And this one in the face journal has had paint only...again was done over a week ago
Frustrated cos I LOVE doing these but I somehow can't make it a regular habit....My altered art journal was begun at the beginning of 2016 (yes - 2 years ago!). Started like this : 
Get some more explanation and a peek inside at beginning of 2017 HERE

At the beginning of this year it looked like this 
I've done 24 lessons in this journal in 2018 (some single page, a couple of full spreads) and today it looks like this
 - still 20 full spreads to go after I do this facing page (unless I stitch some together!). 
So my main goal for November is to ART EVERY DAY➽ this doesn't mean completing a full art journal page, just doing something - the micromovements idea - getting into the habit of DOING instead of looking online. My idea is that I'll report in on a Saturday so I start today and I'll share next well as filling my art journal and making progress on my recycled doodle journals, I have this quilt top which is finally complete ready to layer and machine quilt
and I am excited that I am doing a weekend class mid-November with Jacqui Karl called "Let's face it" - this is her sample ♥ (machine quilted faces)
Additionally I'm trying to make my way through all the online art offerings for 2019....I think that's another post! It's going to be a very busy November for me....
You can do ANYTHING, 
but you can't do EVERYTHING!
.....I'll keep you updated. 

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