Saturday, October 20, 2018

Recycled doodle journals 3

I shared the preparation of my recycled journals HERE. They are turning into my new obsession for doing couch art or when traveling since they are quite small and can be easily transported. 
They are also great for arting in 10 minutes before I have to go somewhere... fun micro-movements as well as being a great meditative process. I am loving that I am recycling - also working smaller is a lovely change. Hope to update these posts fairly regularly since I'm expecting that the more I play in these journals, the more I'll want to = they are SO MUCH FUN! I have now completed 2 faces in this journal : 
Uniball signo white pen this time.
See how the right hand page got transformed HERE
And then in my other journal
I decided to just start on the left side inside of working on the spread as a whole
But this needs more interest to spark me - so I've just added some small stencil shapes
And in my next post about this journal you'll see how it turned out...
I have a bit of a cold, but the sun is shining, I've painted my toenails silver, my roses have started blooming and have just started a lovely long weekend here so hopefully more art to share soon ♥ Hope you have a great weekend too.
See all my recycled doodle journal art HERE.


  1. Super transformation of those pages - your patterns are very zentangly and therefore meditative by definition. I like like your idea of "couch arting" in short bursts.

  2. I especially love how portable your smaller journals are- you can take a small journal and a pen anywhere and when you have a few minutes, add more doodles. I think I might need to make one of these- they are so very inviting.

  3. The more I do in them the more I want to do ♥ Highly recommended


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