Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Life Book Summit 2018 : Creative Warm Up

This page developed from a creative warm up lesson to introduce this FREE online summit hosted by Tam 1-15 October. It was just what I needed right now ♥ I didn't entirely follow the lesson since I already had swiped off paint from when I made my Spring Portrait
Love to take process photos so I can look back and see the evolution of a page (click on any photo to see it larger)
I am making an effort to add stitch to my art where I can - this began as a piece of recycled card from an old diary that I'd arted up 
I can't seem to call many pages finished until I add words or a quote
and calling it done ♥
This lesson was Tam's warm up lesson for Life Book in January 2018, and is a good example of her teaching style. You get the lesson if you sign up to the summit. 
Read more about the summit and sign up HERE

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