Friday, July 13, 2018

Celebrating my 8th Bloggiversary!

I did my first blog post on 13th July 2010 and this is post #1020! I'm really happy to be still blogging in a way that supports my ongoing learning and shares my creative joy. 
I was thinking about a blog break since I've not been so productive lately, but you don't seem to be a critical audience so I'm just going to be happy to share when I've completed a project or got special inspirations like free online class info or lovely new arty book discoveries. My life is full and happy right now, and creativity plays a huge part in it. If I share a completed project along with the honest struggles of my process here and that inspires you in some way, I am doubly satisfied. Icing on the cake = when you take time to write your lovely comments - thank you ♥
A blog post from me always has to include photos, so here's a pictorial review of my main projects this year so far. Click on the titles to link with the particular projects :
I began the year with lessons from Tam's She Blooms in Ink class : 
Love the lessons I've done so far and have plans to do more this holidays so stay tuned....I began a project I called #52stamps which I did until April and may (or may not) return to later in the year. I carved 21 stamps
I've been participating in Effy Wild's 2 year-long classes (Book of Days and Moonshine) These are a couple of favourite pages inspired by these classes : 
I also embarked on the100DayProject - my version was #100daysofstitch and it certainly got me back stitching. I first completed a small hand-stitched applique 
and then another small book project (inspired by Mary Ann Moss's class)
I am happy to say I am making good progress on my poppy quilt and today finished stitching the initial rectangle units. I've had a little fiddle with layout so will live with this for a day and then start stitching together to make the quilt top.
So here's to me and here's to you {clinks glasses or coffee mugs as you prefer} and our continued creative journeys into the second half of the year with many more blog posts to come. Thanks for being here with me💖


  1. 'All of Me'. What a beautiful record of your exploration, talent, creativity, passion, joy and love. Your inner [and outer] beauty really 'shines' through all your posts. A wonderful record of your journey. I love everything - especially you. Your loving Aunty.

  2. I'm hoping my blog will make it to its 8th anniversary too - so far even the 4th seems unbelievable to me! You continue to amaze me with your wide variety of projects and consistent journalling. Here's to another creative 8 years! It's ok to take a short break from blogging once in awhile (I've just done that!) as long as we come back refreshed and full of creative energy! xx

  3. Thank you both for your loving comments ♥
    Reviewing projects is definitely a great way to re-inspire yourself. And yes - I am definitely breaking as I need to. If I don't announce I need a break it makes filling the creative well all just part of the journey.


Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I will always respond to you so check back here in a couple of days.