Monday, April 9, 2018

Stitch on cards

I decided to join #The100DayProject and my focus is #100daysofstitch. I decided my first project would be some hand embroidery inspired by a Sue Spargo class, but that doesn't prevent me from doing other stitching. I'll report back on Thursday about how my first week of hand stitching has gone, but yesterday I needed some new cards and (as per my regular habit) I was able to use my sewing machine to add stitch details. 
Using prints of my art as my base made the process quicker. To some I added stenciling, some found words....
The ones without words will have them added when the appropriate occasion arises for them to be given. 
I often add machine stitch to my cards - I like the juxtaposition of it against the cardboard, and it's fun to use messy or fancy stitching as the mood takes me. I do lengthen my stitch length for straight stitching, but my machine copes with the fancy stitches on cardstock just fine. It's lovely to have a stash of cards again.


  1. Love these! What's more fun than sewing on paper?

  2. I know - right? Might be some more Stitch*bookery in my near future....


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