Saturday, April 21, 2018

Quirky Owls

This was a page in my art journal that began innocently enough as a layered background.
My next stage was to doodle and highlight before blocking in a figure, but as I sat on the couch, my mother was sitting to my right and exclaimed "What cute owls"! Then I could see nothing else....and the page took a different turn. 
I was inspired by an old Life Book lesson about Quirky Birds. Isn't it lovely to be inspired by art 2 years later? 
I doodled, and I glazed, but I just couldn't alter the background cos I love it. 
The outcome is not where I expected to end up, and not my usual subject matter, but they make me smile.
It will always remind me of that visit from my Mum ♥


  1. I really really like those backgrounds - perfect for those quirky owls!

  2. Let's hope I can do another lovely background and finish it as intended next time!


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