Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Happy Making

The anticipation of 2 weeks of school holidays gets me excited - I work in a school library so it's holiday time for me as well and my boys are teenagers so need little entertaining. It's the time for lots of creativity, tidying up my garden and the house....unfortunately I've started with a terrible head cold. Luckily it is school hols so I've been able to rest up. Not so luckily I had all these creative plans and I've not been able to do anything with them so far....I am feeling frustrated! While I continue with my #100daysofstitch challenge (will report more on Thursday) I haven't been able to do much else, 
but I missed talking to you so I've got some nice things together to share. 
I have made good use of Netflix! I have enjoyed watching/re-watching "Chocolat", "The Duchess", "Billy Elliot". I might re-watch "Anne with an E" yet. I adored that. If you have recommendations for similar to these please let me know. I am not better yet... 
Discovered this book at the library completely by accident :
Really lovely to look at - beautiful quotes - inspiring lettering - gorgeous illustrations.  Check out Katie Daisy's art website HERE to look at her work.
Did you buy the Art Bundle for Good #2? I did (no regrets - just wish I had more time to art - no surprises there!) and wondered if you knew that there have been 6 new classes added to replace 4 that stopped working - 2 of them are Tam classes so that's lovely to see.
There has been some discussion about gelli printing in one of my classes.The Gelli Arts videos on YouTube are really worth checking out. I discovered a new technique there that I will definitely be trying when I feel better : using book and magazine pages as resists. See that one HERE 
and then check out Wonderstrumpet HERE 
- great to watch if you are new to gelli printing and she has a style all her own.
Please share your best film and creative youtube recommendations with me in the comments so I can lose myself in watching something delicious. Talk to you soon I hope.


  1. I tired the magazine gelli prints, too. Had very mixed results, but the ones that turned out are so very appealing. I like Ann with an E also. I've been watching seasons of Monk- he's a detective with severe OCD- brilliant but so quirky it gets laugh out loud funny sometimes. And for YouTube check out Ashli Oliver of Purple Mailbox and LittleRavenInk for fun tutorials and inspiring journal flips. And keep stitching- it makes us readers happy, too.

  2. Thanks Nancy - I had a lovely time revisiting those two artists. Unfortunately no Monk at the moment for me - not on NZ Netflix - but I've been enjoying revisiting some Jane Austen favourites.
    Thanks for the stitching encouragement - I am about to sort my post about this past week. Interesting what this challenge is teaching me about what I love 😊

  3. Wow, that is so cool with the magazine pages! Thanks for putting this on my radar, Lynette! I'll have to try it - like right now! :)

  4. Hey Zsuzsa - I am feeling like my head cold is finally abating (it's been a whole week - worst I've had in recent memory) I am thinking maybe I should try out some gelli printing as part of my next paper/stitch project. That magazine technique has got me really excited.


Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I will always respond to you so check back here in a couple of days.