Saturday, March 31, 2018

April brings...

So we're a quarter of the way through the year! We are heading into Autumn in New Zealand and this is an extra-long Easter weekend for my family (we are off Tuesday as well). I use school holiday times and changes of season to 'course correct' - to consider where I am in my creative journey and what is still serving me. 
I am tired....and while others are talking about new daily challenges, I am feeling called to rest and really attend to self-care. Maybe it's part of the cycle of seasons. I'm sure it's partly my grief process as well. Just took a break from writing this to check my emails and read this from Brave Girls' Club
Recharge, rest, restore, and renew. Fill yourself back up so that you can keep shining that beautiful radiant life of yours.
Taking it as a sign from the universe ♥ SHINE is my word of the year. 
After quite a bit of thought, here's my course correction for April : 
  • I am NOT making a checklist of projects to complete for this month.
  • I have set up a place to write and I want to do more journaling in my Inner Work Journal.
  • I REALLY want to stitch more
  • I need to complete my clearing spaces to spark joy and am looking forward to changing out my wardrobe for cooler weather towards the end of the month
  • I am taking a break from my #52stamps challenge for April
  • Hopefully I'll still be creating things to blog about
Happy Easter to you. I'd love to hear how the change of season is affecting you.

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