Sunday, March 25, 2018

#52stamps : Week 12

The challenge = to share at least one new stamp made by me weekly in 2018. 
Loved my repeating stamp design of my previous post so thought I'd have a go at a variation. This time I wanted to do something circular so it takes 4 repeats to complete. 
And of course I also carved into the opposite corners so then I had to stamp it out further to see how they look as well ♥
I am having so much fun and can see I am making progress now. I don't even care I'm not stamping them perfectly straight ♥
You can see all my posts about #52stamps HERE or you can join in on Instagram.


  1. I like the quadrants and the variations you got using the stamp. Very nice.

  2. Thanks Nancy I think i will be trying a few more variations of repeating stamps - they are awesome fun and especially so once you see the patterning
    Close enough to wish you Happy Easter 😊


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