Thursday, February 22, 2018

Book of Days : Attend

I began this lesson a few weeks ago by falling in the love with the background I made and then not wanting to mess it up 
This page is about self-soothing : "Attend to your feelings through the act of getting them out of your body and onto the page, or create medicine for the feelings by creating something that feels like a ‘cure’ for what ails you. Tend your piece until it feels complete." Thanks Effy - that's just what I need right now ♥ 
So I began by sketching in my vase and I wanted beautiful roses so decided that the easiest thing for me this week was to use a couple of lovely stencils with gesso through them for the shapes

Then added some twinkling H2Os for subtle colour
Love how they are transformed with white pen outlining
A found word is one of my signatures....
We've received many lovely flowers and this feels like an honouring of the loving space we are being held in along with the love for my Dad.
You can sign up for this and other classes by Effy Wild HERE. See my Flickr album of all art work inspired by Effy's classes HERE.

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