Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Work Diary : back to school

This week it's the official end of Summer School Holidays for us. I am sooo lucky to work at a school library which means I get holidays off with my boys. I'm back on Thursday with my first Teacher Only Day when I organise the library and update the computer system ready for busy-ness to resume Day 1 of the term. Each year I like to personalise my work diary. This post has links to each diary below.
This year I started with a hot pink base which was fun, and I decided to add a piece of my art to the cover as I have the last couple of years. This is one of my favourites created this month : 
I adjusted the colour just a little to highlight the pink already on her face, and printed it on photo paper. Needed to add elements of SHINE as well ♥
I love using tape - the bottom piece was made on a gelli plate - see how HERE. Store on baking paper and it lasts with some of the sticky until you need it. I do use gel medium to attach though to make sure it stays stuck. I also love adding tape to the edges of pages - I tape around the weeks of school holidays to separate the terms
Very simple this year, but it helps to add some art joy at work ♥

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