Tuesday, January 9, 2018

She Blooms in Ink : side profile flower girl

Next challenge in Tam's She Blooms online class is a side profile portrait. I don't use the word challenge lightly! After a some sketching and un-sketching I ended up with this 
Began to add colour and OMG! It's all too strong and I really don't like it but I know hope this is my ugly stage and it will be better by the end....{everything crossed at this point!}
Worked on my face next 
and now I feel like the rest of it is worth further work to make it pretty. Very inspired by my word of the year. I fiddled for quite a while - pen work with the nib end of tombows helped her hair, and doodled details are both fun and unifying
Brayered some white to unify and tone down the background 
and gold in places for extra SHINE
White pen dots for light
Another learning experience for sure - and while frustrated at times, I love the process of working through challenges, trying new options, learning how to "fix" things and finally feeling happy with my finished portrait. 
This class is live between Dec 1st 2017 - 12th January 2018 and then reverts to self study. Life long access. You can register HERE. See all my posts about this class HERE.


  1. It turned out very pretty! I know how hard it is to do a side profile. I like your hand lettering and the strong tones of those tombows! I haven't done a face in ages. I think I was put off by my last efforts, but I might get back to practicing - perhaps one day LOL!

  2. Thanks Zsuzsa - couldn't believe when my first FB lesson from Life Book turned up today in my feed - my first face now 3 years ago! Still learning ;-) My favourite colours together here.


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