Saturday, January 13, 2018

She Blooms in Ink : limited palette

Just completed the lesson for Week 4 of Tam's She Blooms in Ink online class - creating a portrait in a limited colour palette and working in a bit looser inkier way with higher contrast shading. There's a LOT in this lesson and I LOVED this style. As always, began with pencil sketch
And then I started to loosely add inks
Love her already, and she suddenly comes to life with a bit of pen work
I kept the background flowers much simpler this time and am enjoying the white space
and the star on her cheek references my word SHINE without being so explicit this time
I may have to repeat this lesson at some stage - really like how she turned out
This class has been live between Dec 1st 2017 - 12th January 2018 and now reverts to self study. Life long access. Lovely FB group at present. You can register HERE. See all my posts about this class HERE

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