Friday, January 5, 2018

She Blooms in Ink : an angled portrait

Finally had some time to start lesson 2 from Tam's wonderful online class. This time it's an angled portrait - so a bit trickier with proportions. This is my pencil sketch
and here's what happened as I started adding colour. Trying to keep it loose....
face progress and hair details
Love how doodles bring the flowers to life
I've been listening to Macklemore's "Glorious" so that informed my words 
And here she is finished. Click on any photo to see it larger. 
This class is live between Dec 1st 2017 - 12th January 2018 and then reverts to self study. Life long access. You can register HERE. See all my posts about this class HERE.


  1. Wonderful Lynette! I really like your painting! I recognise a bit of Tam's tuition in it, but it's mainly you! You've really put your own stamp on it!

  2. ps. to answer your question about which courses I'm taking this year: I'm doing Wanderlust for the third year (skipping Lifebook as I still haven't completed the majority of the lessons for 2017) and I've also just discovered a free course on Facebook (Soul Journey 2018) - you might already know about it:

  3. Yes very happy that I am keeping my voice - glad I took the class but being very careful to interpret in my own way.
    Hope you get more time to create this year. Wanderlust is obviously a good course if you're sticking with that as your choice for the year. I don't know Soul Journey - I will have to investigate to add to my list of Free classes.
    Look forward to sharing lots on our continued creative journey 😊


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