Friday, January 19, 2018

Gratitude journal pages

One of the things I want to do this year is work on uncompleted classes I've purchased previously.  One of these is the Grateful HeART Journal with Alisa Burke.
While I don't want to create another journal this year, one of my supporting words for SHINE is gratitude
I thought it would be cool to do some pages in my Inner Work Journal inspired by some of the class prompts. Grateful Heart Journal is structured in 30 small but inspiring posts. The concept is that you have one simple idea, prompt, inspiration, technique to work through each day for 30 days
The first demo was of a heart and I decided to do that in my large journal as it also fit the prompt for Week 1 : Journal52. You can see that post HERE.
The next prompt was done in my Inner work journal - thinking about what I was grateful for that day and creating a word mandala - note I included my magic stamp
It inspired quite a lot of written journaling as a result which was also helpful.
Then I needed the space of my large journal again. I was feeling a bit down and found it really calming and positive to lay down lovely colours to lift my spirits
Next up some mark making with black and white, and purple seemed a wise choice ♥ It was a meditative process
Then I added my inspirational quote with co-ordinating butterfly = LOVE 
Another simple prompt but the effect of the process helped me change my feelings. 
I am finding this class wonderful - prompts that are easy to respond to and get me creating at times when I don't feel like I have it in me. I am grateful I haven't used this class until now. I need it now more than I did at the time of purchase... You can still purchase the Grateful HeART Journal class HERE. Keep an eye out for when she offers classes on special. 


  1. Your pages are lovely! Like you, I really enjoy online classes. Also like you, I need to go back and get into them again. Alisa Burke's are always enjoyable and affordable. It seems I'm always trying to tame the proliferation of paper, paints, fabrics, classes and "stuff" that accumulates. But it's all so joyful!

  2. Thanks Nancy - I am feeling like I was "meant" to wait until now to take this class :-)

  3. Such beautiful patterns! Love the white lettering! I should be working on lessons that I paid for and never completed too - there are quite a few of them going back to 2014!

  4. Hey Zuszsa - thanks a bunch. I have really enjoyed these pages - very therapeutic at the moment. We have just found my father's cancer has become active and there are a lot of unknowns. I am so happy to have art as a regular practice of self-care and in this case a relaxing meditation.


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