Saturday, January 27, 2018

Book of Days : MDS

This page was created over several days and is thus called a multi-day spread (MDS). As you will know if you've been reading my blog, I've had a tough couple of weeks with my Dad's cancer becoming active. He was hospitalised last week with general unwellness, but we celebrated him going home again on Thursday. There are different feelings expressed in each section. My word is SHINE and I will continue to do that however I can, whatever this year may bring. I began with a couple of my newly created hand carved stamps : SHINE and open heart
And my first section was about being strong together - my heart stamp represents courage and strength in love. 
Then I moved to playing with watercolours. Water is really important to me so that influenced my colours. It was fun to add doodles inspired by how the colours had moved
and then to add additional fun with extra doodles and touches of white and gold, as well as a couple of key words for this section
We are going in our pool pretty much every day (often more than once) at the moment, and I swear that every day I see a Monarch butterfly ♥
Next section was honouring a day when my emotions spilled over - tears can be a release and are to be expected in times of high stress. I love how she turned out
And love even more that when I blocked in colour for the last section it looks like her garment
This last section is for hope - lovely stars seemed fitting symbols and tie back nicely to my word SHINE.
Here's my completed MDS - really happy with how it turned out and that it looks artful while also being a personal reflection of my past week.
You can sign up for this and other classes by Effy Wild HERE. See my Flickr album of all art work inspired by Effy's classes HERE.


  1. What a beautiful and meaningful page, Lynette!

  2. Thanks both of you - loving how my pages are working as a documenting of what's happening as well as being art I want to look at.


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