Saturday, January 6, 2018

Another FREE online class : Soul Journey 2018

I like to share cheap and Free online offerings with you - you can always find the link to the classes that last all year or indefinitely HERE (and via the link in my top right side bar). I recently updated this list and shared at beginning of the month with my most recent finds, and I've just found out about another which looks excellent : 
What would you say if we were to offer a year long FREE mixed media course with some of the WORLD's most amazing teachers : two artists per month sharing with you their art, talent and inspiration. Once a week Annette Poacher, Elisa Ablett, Tanya Froud or Deena Otway (the group hostesses) will also share with you a tutorial. These tutorials are based around a quote/saying that we are calling soul starters. At the end of your journey you will have 52 cards that offer positivity, uplift your soul and give you something tangible to look through and connect with. Do you ever feel like your soul needs a kick start? Perhaps you are going through a tough time. Or do you want to belong to a fun group of like minded artistic souls who come together as a community just to support each other?
The class is run in a FB group which you join HEREI think you'll recognise many of the amazing teachers
This is the first lesson for January :

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