Thursday, December 14, 2017

She Blooms in Ink : Front facing portrait

Last month I said I do not NEED to take any new classes BUT at that stage I didn't know that Tam was going to release this : 
It's gorgeous faces, it's flowers, it's luscious inks and sprays ♥  First lesson was released on Dec 1st and a class is released every week through to mid-January = my Summer holidays when I always have a huge burst of time and creativity. I already have the supplies and it's 7 full lessons + 3 bonus time-lapse and I know the quality of Tam's teaching - videos - PDFs means this will be great value for the money....It was on early bird pricing until Dec 1st and I fell hard! It's not technically registering for a new class in 2018 ♥ I'm going to work on A3 size sheets of watercolour paper, and my intention is to sew them together at the end to create a journal of the faces I make in this class. I'm very excited! First I gathered my various yummy inky and water-soluble supplies
First lesson was a front-facing girl. This was my sketch to begin 
Then time to start adding the colour
I love her already! Then it was so much fun I forgot to take progress shots!! So here's some detail shots of various bits I like
Here she is finished ♥ 
Live between Dec 1st 2017 - 12th January 2018 then reverts to self study. Life long access. You can register HERE

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