Saturday, December 2, 2017

Easy Cards

Today I needed to spend some creative time on something easy and fun. Something that didn't require too much thought with the added bonus that I could tick something off my list. I have a few special people with birthdays in December and January so I cut apart some watercolour paper I used in a class recently to demonstrate stencils. I looked through my stash of pretty serviettes and found some appropriate colours. Then I stitched the watercolour pieces to blank card fronts - some with a single line of machine stitching
some framed with a double edge 
I quite like the messy look and I want to add stitch to many more of my projects in 2018. I did add words to one of the cards, but the rest will wait to have their additions when I decide which card will be used for a future occasion
Very happy with how these all turned out 


  1. Very pretty, and one-of-a-kind cards!

  2. I love making cards - you'll see my Christmas ones soon 😊
    Happy December Nancy


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